How to Determine What Should be in Your Skin Care Routine – Bright Healthcare

Beginning with your cheeks, begin working upwards. You should wash your hands thoroughly. As a result, you can be exposed to bacteria and dirt on the skin. A regular use of moisturizer is good for your skin. There are also pimples or bumps on the skin if you apply it with unclean hands.
Facial Oil

It is essential to include face oils as part of your routine for daily skin care. There are two options: lighter or heavier face oils. Apply light face oil in the morning and heavier face oil following all other products for skincare as it will not allow any additional product to get on your face. Light facial oils are recommended when you suffer from dry, flaky skin. The oils are able to repair flaky skin as well as dehydration. They may cause breakouts if you have oily skin


Include heavier facial oils in your daily skincare routine. You need this oil for dry skin. The oil hydrates and moisturises the face. Apply the heavier oils on your face following having removed all your layers of skin care.

Be sure to cleanse your face regularly your face to eliminate these oils. Applying heavy oil to your face is likely to create a blockage in the pores of your skin. The skin with acne will be more sensitive to heavy oils. Make sure to select your facial oils with care in order to prevent breakouts.

Apply sunscreen

For protection against sunburn, sunscreen needs to be included in your everyday skin care routine. It blocks harmful UV sunlight and helps protect the skin from developing cancer. In most cases, applying sunscreen should be the final step in your daily skincare routine. Medical doctors and dermatologists recommend the use of sunscreen.

Apply sunscreen at least every two hours if you are spending a lot of time outside. Certain skin types are sensitive to the sun’s. The product can trigger a variety of reactions distinct to anyone who may be allergic to it. When sunscreen is applied to your face, you can prepare for the next day.
